To Isabelle: Do consider having a heart to heart talk with Frank when you think the time is right to do so. (Remember the time when Frank came back from overseas and you were so ecstatic that you jumped for joy and told your mom about it?)
To Frank: Do consider what Isabelle is going through right now and try not to pressure her in talking to you for the moment. (for e.g. blogging your sms etc won't do any good to both of you and especially you. So try not to do that and erase such posts.)
I'm just someone who's trying to save bellofranko.
to belle's friend: thanks a lot for the post. you know, what you've said about me is true. i know my smses, msning and all that have been irritating her. it took me a while to realize that as long as she didn't want to talk to me i can't force her. i hope she forgives me for that. thats why from now onwards i won't write any of kinda "angry" posts that may be hurting to her. i've also decided that i'm not going to keep spamming her anymore. i will just keep quiet and let things cool down.
just a last note, i have blogged a post (dated: Saturday, March 08) to tell everyone not to think wrongly of isabelle. because *i know* that she is a really nice girl. and they shouldn't jump to negative conclusions about her just because they have read my blog when they haven't even heard about isabelle's side of the story. right? so hopefully she cools down and wants to be friends with me again. hope to hear your reply =)
I've read your post and I feel that you're really desperate in getting back together (who isn't?)
but right now your main focus should be leaving her alone completely as in COMPLETELY for at least 2 weeks (might be much more). Erase this, "I'm not them ok? Thats why like I've mentioned in my previous post, I've decided not to talk to you already. I don't want to pressure you anymore" and "Then we'll see how things go. Alright?"
actually i'm not desperate at all, at least not anymore. you thought i'm trying patch back together with her? then i think you've read wrongly. all i want is for her and i to be friends, *thats all*. ya like i've said in my last comment and my 8th March post, i've already decided not to talk to her at all. and i'll just wait for her to be the one to talk to me. erm, why do you want me to erase those sentences?
anyone here
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